Ruhr University Bochum

Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology


Admission Requirements

As a precondition to enter the master program you have to fulfill three admissions requirements (for details please check the examination regulations):

1. Six semester bachelor degree in a biomedical subject including a bachelor thesis or a written report about a three months lab project.

For further informations see §5 of examination regulations.

2. Proof of knowledge of cell biology and molecular genetics

You have to have a very good basic knowledge in the field of cell biology and molecular genetics to be eligible to enter the master program. To be qualified it is necessary to show the knowledge of cell biology worth a minimum of 5 credit points in lectures and 12 credit points in practical exercises, as well as molecular genetic knowledge worth a minimum of 5 credit points in lectures and 12 credit points in practical exercises (§5 of examination regulations).

3. English language proficiency

You must provide proof of your English language proficiency by TOEFL 95 (internet based) or IELTS 6.5. The examination board decides about the equivalence of other language qualifications.

Due to public health concerns there might be problems to visit language test centers in some countries. In such cases please consider the option of TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition.

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