
Master Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology
Welcome and thank you for being interested in our International Master Program Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology.
On this page you can find the curriculum of the master program as well as a description of the goals of our program. The schedule and list of talks for the running semester can be found through the corresponding entry in our menu section.
The goal of the study course is to train experts in all aspects of cutting edge stem cell biology and their theoretical as well as practical implementation either in the industrial or academic environment.
During the first year of the program, students achieve a fundamental understanding of developmental processes that are linked to the current progress of stem cell research. This theoretical knowledge is further deepened and expanded on by hands-on experience during practical modules.
The inclusion of guest lecturers gives students the opportunity to get in contact with program-associated researchers and learn about prime examples of current topics in stem cell research.
This practical knowledge is further expanded by the inclusion of a mandatory bioinformatics course. During the second year the curriculum switches in part to application-oriented courses that confront students with stem cell based approaches to the treatment of various illnesses as well as future prospects. The 4th semester is reserved for the master thesis.
It is also mandatory for the students to successfully complete a language course. Other acquired skills include a basic understanding of bioethics and legal aspects of biomedical work, skills in good medical practice and grant writing skills.
For more information about the curriculum and a comprehensive list of modules
for a list of our partner laboratories and involved researchers